Colourlock Soft Leather cleaner


Categories: , SKU: 000151


Colourlock Soft Leather Cleaner

A cleanser formulated with specific, strong components that remove dirt without damaging the skin and requiring very little rubbing. This cleaning foam removes all unpleasant odour particles: cigarettes, grease, sweat, etc. Foam cleaners do the job more efficiently and consume less. The foam also prevents the skin from getting wet and maintains its softness after drying


  1. Suitable for regular maintenance
  2. Cleaning foam
  3. 200ml sold with special foaming bottle


  1. Spray a small amount of foam onto a brush or sponge
  2. Warning! Do not spray directly on the skin
  3. Cleanse the skin in circular motions until the desired result is achieved
  4. Wipe off raised dirt and foam with a damp cloth
  5. Allow the surface to dry


  • Warning! Due to different skin types and preparations, we recommend that all products are tested on surfaces where they cannot be seen.


Additional information


200ml, 500ml, 1000ml